Hello, I’m Rachael.

As a former lifestyle store owner, I truly understand how to start a brand completely from scratch and how to market its success. Before becoming a brand consultant, I spent a decade running my own interiors business, which evolved from a small market stall to a three storey multi-concept building housing a shop, workshop space and staycation.

During this time, I also worked as an interior stylist for residential clients as well as commercial property developers, creating concepts, sourcing products and installing sets. My own home and staycation have been featured in editorial home tours in national media including The Guardian, 91 Magazine and Ideal Home.

My eye for colour, knowledge of texture and strong spacial awareness has been a good foundation to integrate my creative skillset into graphic design. Coupled with my empathetic understanding of consumer behaviour and solid commercial acumen, I am able to offer a unique and powerful expertise to brands looking to elevate and strengthen their identity.

When I’m not designing, I enjoy writing about travel, interiors, style and motherhood over on my Substack. In my personal life, I’m a mother to my daughter Jeanie and wife to my husband Alex, we all recently made the move to the countryside and are enjoying taking life a little slower.

I have a weakness for Tunnock’s teacakes, best enjoyed with a strong cuppa Yorkshire. I collect prairie dresses, massive earrings and orange-red lipsticks. Mid-century modern is my favourite design era; I’m a bit of a case study house nerd. California is a special place to me, I love its variety from exploring the buzz of the big cities to the barren yet wild deserts and quirks of the surf towns. I frequently practice yoga for calmness and restoration, but I need the energy bursts running gives me, I guess that’s what you call balance.